Don't Be Dumb!

Again I want to encourage you as you take this journey through life that you hold on these three words...Don't Be Dumb! It has been brought to my attention that some vandalism\grafiti has been going on between the highschools here. Please don't represent Christ in a bad way by being a part of will get caught, and God is always watching. We are to love everyone and not destroy other people's property. It's alright to have a highschool rival as long as it doesn't go to the extreme that it did this past Friday Night. I am glad to hear that none of us were involved. Just remember not to be stupid.

The Lab is Getting an Extreme Makeover!

Hey are some pics from the Lab's remodling.

Back To School Blues

Hey Guys!

I know you all are aware that school is starting next week...boohoo! Well this time never has to be all that bad because it's a time of new beginning, everyone has straight A's, and it also means that the activities at church are going to get exciting.

Please invite the old friends you will see and the new ones you will make to FUSION on Wednesday nights!

see you all @ church!


Upcoming Events (September)

Mark your Calendars!

September 2nd Scavenger Hunt!

Come to Church @ 6:00 and stay for the fun afterwards!
(service attendance required for participation)

September 5th FUSION - 6:15 -7:30 @ THE LAB

September 12th FUSION - 6:15 -7:30 @ THE LAB

September 19th FUSION - 6:15 -7:30 @ THE LAB

September 22nd County-Wide Youth Ralley!

meet @ the church no later than 5:30pm...we will be back around 10:00p.m.

September 26th SEE YOU AT THE POLE!

FUSION - 6:15 -7:30 @ THE LAB

Under Construction

Hey Guys! This is a brand new BLOG for our brand new FUSION YOUTH GROUP! As you know, our group is "under construction" so join with me as we begin this journey.

This BLOG is a place for you to share your thoughts, ideas, and whatever else you want just as long as it's clean (this is a ministry blog)

Have Fun,

Bill Blackrick - Youth Minister